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Albert Wolfinger
Active second half of 19th Century
Portrait of Madame Wolfinger, the Artist's Wife, seated wearing a Hat
Black chalk, pen and black ink, black wash heightened with white on grey-blue paper
Signed and dated 'Wolfinger-1878' and inscribed 'Madame Wolfinger' on the mount.
Paris, Salon 1878.
E. Bellier de la Chavignerie, Dictionaire General des Artistes de 'Ecole Française, Paris 1885, p. 725.
Little is known of the life and career of the portrait painter, Albert Wolfinger. He was born in the mid nineteenth century in Tarbes, France and was a student of Gerome. Wolfinger was recorded to have exhibited at the Salon of 1877 and 1878. The present drawing, a portrait of the artist's wife, was exhibited in the Salon of 1878.

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