Hedges are the wonderfully flamboyant cousin to the white picket fence.
They scream, "look at me in my pruned shapely self" Bonded by strength of knotted arms growing together concealing the property they surround like a jewelry box that few get to open. It's a slippery slope: what keeps you in can also lock you out.
Drawn to the voyeurism of what lays behind the 15'tall Benjamina Ficus, to now seeing the hedge as the prize winner itself. Shapely, verdant and as they mature they are trimmed back to their youthfulness. As Chris Crowder said, "They yearn to stretch up and become mature trees, but pruning keeps them forever young. "A hedge is in a state of suspended animation"
The green hue of ficus hedges is also the color that signifies rejuvenation of life.
Green is spring's birth in full blown glory ranging from tones of new born bright to deep forest. This combination of super hedge and heroic green captivates any passer by and waves to them with each gust of wind. While not fragrant, ficus hedges are sure to delight those who stop to appreciate their straightened plains or sky reaching will power.
This new series focusing on the geometry, color and direction of hedges.
Palm Beach FL 2022